Metatron Angel
Metatron (Hebrew: Mern, Marn, Marn, Marn) or Mattatron ( Maarn) is an angel in Judaism. He is mentioned three times in the Bavli, in a few brief sections in the Aggadah, and in mystical Kabbalistic works within Rabbinic literature. The figure demonstrates the existence of dualist tendencies in otherwise monotheistic views found in both the Tanakh and later Christian teaching. Metatron is not referenced in the Torah or the Bible, and its origins are unknown. In Islamic legend, he is often referred to as Marni (Arabic: ), the veil angel. He is the tallest of the angels, according to folklore, and works as the celestial scribe or “recording angel.” “Metatron” is the term given to Enoch following his metamorphosis into an angel in Jewish apocrypha and early Kabbalah.