Seraphiel Angel
Angel Seraphiel’s name is Hebrew for “Prince of the High Angelic Order.” In the Book of Enoch, this name refers to an angel. He is the top Seraphim, with Jehoel right next to him. In some texts, he’s called the angel of Silence. There are many people who have this title. Seraphiel is one of them. In 3 Enoch, Seraphiel is described as a huge, bright angel with a face like that of angels and a body like that of an eagle. He looks like lightning and the sun in the morning. He is beautiful. They are under his care, and he tells them how to sing songs to praise God. People who practise magic say that one of the things Seraphiel is in charge of is Tuesday, as well as Mercury. He is called on from the North. It is likely that Israfil is one of the Archangels and an angel of music with a name that means “music.”